
Thursday, August 28, 2014

Get Some Motivation

Hey my majessties,

So, you know when you have been feeling so stressed and busy that you end up falling into the crevices of your couch and never get up? It's a familiar feeling for me. I mean, I take daily naps.

Well, I have been feeling that way lately because, contrary to the stories of senior year, I have been getting a lot of work. And with AP tests starting this week, I've tried to make studying a part of my daily routine. But senioritis is making that decision really hard to stick to. I mean, I'm going to college, so why do I have to read Beowulf? I don't. There's the answer.

But for once, instead of sleeping the day away on the couch or in bed, my family and I decided to get a good dose of fresh air. So, after I took a two hour nap (What can I say? A girl needs her sleep), we went out to the local hiking (?) place. And we took along our little pup, Louie. Poor guy had a tough time with his little legs.

And lemme tell you, it was so nice to just not think about anything and admire the natural beauty. I know that sounds cliche, but it was true. I am never, ever, one to choose to do anything naturish so when I was the one to come up with the suggestion and motivation, we were all surprised. I mean, I believe air conditioning was one of the greatest inventions of our time and camping will never sound enticing to me. Flushing toilets? Yes. Outhouses? No.

Just remember, it should never be frowned upon to not feel your best. Sometimes, you just need a break from that happy façade you always have during school or when you are out. And I totally understand when all you want to do is sleep. But once in awhile, do something you would not normally think of doing. Whether that is going hiking, or going into the city just for lunch, it will feel nice escaping your stressors for a nice little relaxation time. 


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