
Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cocky for a Reason?

Hey my Majessties,

So, in the South, there is one thing that rules the school. The SEC, or the South-Eastern Conference for college football. The game day experiences are one of a kind and the rivalries beat every other. Sorry Cheltenham vs. Abington, but USC vs. Clemson is so much better. One year, we took a time out in our own game to see Clemson lose against Georgia.

But in terms of going to a football game in the South, there are a few rules that need to be followed.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Philadelphia is Lacking

Hey my Majessties,

So, the South has something that the North pretty much lacks. And while it is normally great to see and have happen to you, it can also backfire in your face.

That little thing is called Holding Doors.

While this may happen back home in Philadelphia, we are quick to move on if the person is not close enough to hold the door for. Here though, the door is held no matter what. And while this is normally helpful, it can also get awkward because they will wait.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rain and Humidity Are Not Kind

You can skip reading this if you want because the topic is not something entirely interesting to anyone everyone.

Hey my Majessties,

This one is definitely going to be a rant about something that I do not like about coming to the South.

The weather.

As simple as this sounds, this place needs to get its act together on what the weather should be like. This whole week, for instance, is supposed to be 95-98 degrees every day with 85%ish humidity. Umm excuse me? Do you want me to look like a hot mess in every single one of my classes?