
Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rain and Humidity Are Not Kind

You can skip reading this if you want because the topic is not something entirely interesting to anyone everyone.

Hey my Majessties,

This one is definitely going to be a rant about something that I do not like about coming to the South.

The weather.

As simple as this sounds, this place needs to get its act together on what the weather should be like. This whole week, for instance, is supposed to be 95-98 degrees every day with 85%ish humidity. Umm excuse me? Do you want me to look like a hot mess in every single one of my classes?

Now, I know Philadelphia gets to be pretty humid in the summer, but it was never like this. Even during the first week of classes, the highs were 100 or 101 degrees and you legitimately thought you were melting. I bet you it could have happened if you stayed outside for long enough.

And my friend Marissa, who goes to school in Texas, warned me about this. She specifically said you would not want to get dressed up for class because you would just ruin your clothing.

And, obviously, I thought she was exaggerating. But she was not. You actually wear t-shirts and shorts a lot of the time because you do not want to sweat through your nice blouses. And do not even try to be that one person who thinks they will be fine. Because you will be so uncomfortable and worried about your appearance during the day that it is just not worth the stress. Throw on that comfy shirt and make the best out of it.

And you know what the worst part is? The air conditioning in the buildings. This sounds like a good ole slice of heaven but it can be torture. For instance, the music school is a good fifteen or twenty minute walk from my dorm. So on the way there, I am sweating and gross and it is just not a pretty picture but then you walk inside and the A.C. feels amazing! And then you are in the building for an hour and fifteen minutes for class and as the time goes on, you cool down. But, even though you have cooled down, you are still sweaty from the walk over. So, you start to get cold. And I do not mean breezy, you get goosebumps and want to crawl up into yourself because you forgot to bring a sweatshirt because everywhere else in Cola is burning hot. Phew. Rant over.

You just can't win.

I know I signed up for this, and I will love it here once it gets into fall and stays warm when everyone else in Philly is dealing with snow all the time, but right now, I miss the lukewarm 70-80 degree days. Just saying. And I bet you are not feeling any pity for me right now because it probably sounds amazing to you but you have not felt humidity until you come here. It's a great day to be a gamecock, isn't it? Ha ha ha *sarcastic laughter*

So, overall, this has been a long-winded rant that should end because I do not know how much longer you all can read about the weather, but I just had to let it all out there.


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