
Saturday, November 8, 2014

My Week in Photos 10/31-11/7

Hey my majessties,

So, I am going to try something new on the blog. I know I never post so I have decided to start a weekly post about my week and use photos that I may have taken on my Instagram that you can check out here or Facebook, etc. So let's get on with the show.

Friday, it was Halloween!! Only of my classes was cancelled so I finished at 9:20 am and proceeded to sleep for about 5 more hours. But once I got up, Delaney, Katie, and I got ready for a little party we were going to that night. It was a lot of fun and we definitely enjoyed ourselves. You probably will not be able to tell, but we did try to dress in somewhat costumes. I was Rosie the Riveter because my wardrobe at college is too normal to find anything for a costume, Delaney was a cleat-chaser, and Katie was a farm girl (?). She had overalls though so she basically wins.

On Saturday, it was absolutely freezing here in Cola. It was actually warmer back home. But the three of us still decided to brave the weather and go to the football game after having a good time sleep following Halloween.

Sunday, we did nothing for most of the day. But Delaney joined me for her first New Member Meeting for Pi Phi! So of course we had to document it with a photo! #ThrowWhatYouKnow

I honestly don't know what I did on Monday so ignore this day.

Tuesday, we did not have class. Yay for election day! We were supposed to do a service project but apparently it was too cold so Katie, Delaney, our friend Brooke, and I went shopping. Surprise. We were all very good though. I only bought a pair of shoes that were on massive sale (Normally $70 for $20? I think yes).

Wednesday was bliss. I don't know why, but I was in a really good mood all day. I met with my favorite teacher for a conference and he just made me feel good about myself and what I was doing. So, for the rest of the day, I investigated Study Abroad programs and hung out on the horseshoe.

Thursday was pretty busy. This was also the day that I started to get sick. So, I did not feel good all day. However, I went to all of my classes and had a meeting for Pi Phi around 6. Then some of the girls and I went bowling! It was way too hard for us to find the bowling alley but once we did we had a lot of fun! 

 (This photo actually took so much arm strength it was insane.)

Now, today is Friday and I am sitting in Starbucks about to get myself a tall Hot Chocolate because I am really cold. But I do not have much planned for tonight because I honestly feel terrible. Tomorrow, the girls and I are going to look at a possible apartment thing for next year. I cannot believe we are already looking at housing for my sophomore year of college! 

Until next week and enjoy!

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