
Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Hey my majessties,

So one day in one of my classes, we had a guest speaker talk to us about study abroad. Now that has always been in my plans for college. I mean, for awhile I had the ingenious plan to study abroad in England for all four years. And although that may not have happened, I plan to study abroad during my four years. 

But this presentation really got me thinking. There are so many places that I have been fortunate to visit but there are even more that I have not experienced yet. I want to sit at a cafe in Paris. I want to go back to Nice, France. I want to go to Spain even if I don't know the language. 

But I also want to go to places outside of Europe. I want to visit Australia and New Zealand and see the kangaroos. I want to go to South Africa. I want to go see Carnival in Brazil. 

So many people are comfortable where they have grown up and have no plan on leaving. On the other hand, there are those people who want to go everywhere.  I always am looking forward to the next trip I will be taking. And I take too many photos while I am away so that I can remember those moments away from home. 

I mean, I love flying and airports. That has to mean something, right? Everyone hates airports. Too stressful, they say. Lies. Airports are where you can sit for an hour or two waiting for your flight. You will see families struggling to stay together. You will see businessmen dressed nicely in suits running through the terminals. And you will see the people who look like regulars flyers. Don't you wonder where everyone is going?

I have been a part of all those groups. I have tried to stay with a large group, then someone will think they lost their passport so you get stranded waiting for them. I have ran to my gate after almost missing my flight. And I have spent seven hours in an airport waiting to go home to surprise my parents. Each experience has definitely been different. Some were obviously more stressful than others. But you can move past that. 

The best part of traveling is probably the last half hour of a flight. At that point, your nerves are starting to kick in because you realize you will see the friends you haven't seen in months or you will be in a place you have yet to explore. Check out my blog post from when I went to San Francisco to see some of those friends here!

While a simple lecture may have started this train of thought, it made me realize that I want to wander around the world. I am not going to be happy being in one place for the rest of my life. Because not all who wander are lost. Some are finding their peace. 


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