
Monday, December 22, 2014

A Little Holiday Cheer

Hey my majessties,

So, it is officially the most wonderful time of the year. And the big event is only three days away. How does that even happen?

Winter is one of my favorite seasons for multiple reasons. I like wearing comfy sweaters and leggings. Nothing gets more comfortable than that. For a month, I do not have to worry about writing any essays or doing any school work. And I get to see my friends from high school again. It's nice to see each other and hear about all the fun things that people have been getting up to. 

Our house is decorated beyond belief and the fire is almost always on now. The egg nog is being poured and the pineapple pudding is being made. When I left Columbia, it was around 60 degrees and here it has been around 35ish degrees. How is that fair?

This next week is pretty hectic for me. I have to finish wrapping presents that are all hidden away from those receiving them. Then tomorrow, I am riding the train up to New York City to meet up with  my friend. It is always nice to go at this time of the year because the decorations are all up. I trust makes you feel so festive. Then, it's Christmas Eve! This is always a somewhat jam-packed day because of parties and church services. 

Christmas at the Hoag's residence is always crazy. We have a ton of traditions that must be followed every year to make it the best it can be. First, Kelly can't wake any of us up until 9. Notice that I said only Kelly. She has the tendency to wake up the earliest and want to get going right away. She used to wake us up at 8:00 so at least I get another hour of sleep. And just in case, the kids have mini christmas trees in our rooms where Santa leaves a game. Hopefully, this keeps us interested until 9:00.

When it is finally time, Kelly and I have to go through the bathroom into our parents room so that we cannot see the living room. Seriously, mom always puts something in from of the hallway so that we cannot go that way. I once forgot and just hopped over the laundry basket and got yelled at. There is a strong No-Peeking rule in this house.

After the parents finally wrestle out of bed and get ready, we can go downstairs. But don't think we get to open presents yet. First, we all have to make breakfast and coffee or juice for everyone. Can't be uncomfortably hungry during present unwrapping, right? Sure. Whatever you say. 

As much as these traditions may seem ridiculous to outsiders, it's what makes the day seem so special. We all know what has to happen and we all abide by the rules. Normally. As long as I don't hop over the laundry basket in the hallway. 

In three days, I am sure we will make even more traditions and I cannot wait.

Happy holidays!

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