
Monday, December 22, 2014

A Little Holiday Cheer

Hey my majessties,

So, it is officially the most wonderful time of the year. And the big event is only three days away. How does that even happen?

Winter is one of my favorite seasons for multiple reasons. I like wearing comfy sweaters and leggings. Nothing gets more comfortable than that. For a month, I do not have to worry about writing any essays or doing any school work. And I get to see my friends from high school again. It's nice to see each other and hear about all the fun things that people have been getting up to. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Hey my majessties,

So one day in one of my classes, we had a guest speaker talk to us about study abroad. Now that has always been in my plans for college. I mean, for awhile I had the ingenious plan to study abroad in England for all four years. And although that may not have happened, I plan to study abroad during my four years. 

But this presentation really got me thinking. There are so many places that I have been fortunate to visit but there are even more that I have not experienced yet. I want to sit at a cafe in Paris. I want to go back to Nice, France. I want to go to Spain even if I don't know the language. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

My Week in Photos 10/31-11/7

Hey my majessties,

So, I am going to try something new on the blog. I know I never post so I have decided to start a weekly post about my week and use photos that I may have taken on my Instagram that you can check out here or Facebook, etc. So let's get on with the show.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Early Morning Ramble?

Before this starts, I wrote this on Sunday but managed to forget to post it until today. Whoops! 

Hey my majessties,

So, I am going to call this my early morning ramble even though it is currently 11:36 am. Give me a break, it's Sunday and I am a college student.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cocky for a Reason?

Hey my Majessties,

So, in the South, there is one thing that rules the school. The SEC, or the South-Eastern Conference for college football. The game day experiences are one of a kind and the rivalries beat every other. Sorry Cheltenham vs. Abington, but USC vs. Clemson is so much better. One year, we took a time out in our own game to see Clemson lose against Georgia.

But in terms of going to a football game in the South, there are a few rules that need to be followed.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Philadelphia is Lacking

Hey my Majessties,

So, the South has something that the North pretty much lacks. And while it is normally great to see and have happen to you, it can also backfire in your face.

That little thing is called Holding Doors.

While this may happen back home in Philadelphia, we are quick to move on if the person is not close enough to hold the door for. Here though, the door is held no matter what. And while this is normally helpful, it can also get awkward because they will wait.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rain and Humidity Are Not Kind

You can skip reading this if you want because the topic is not something entirely interesting to anyone everyone.

Hey my Majessties,

This one is definitely going to be a rant about something that I do not like about coming to the South.

The weather.

As simple as this sounds, this place needs to get its act together on what the weather should be like. This whole week, for instance, is supposed to be 95-98 degrees every day with 85%ish humidity. Umm excuse me? Do you want me to look like a hot mess in every single one of my classes?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Breathe a Sigh of Relief

Hello my Majessties,

So, for all the seniors this year, it is officially time for us to take a sigh of relief because January 15th has come and gone. College applications have been in the back of our minds for months and finally they are done. 

For me, the most important thing was to get the applications done as quickly as I could. So, I applied Early Action for all of my top choices. Once I got accepted in December, I was so happy I would not be running around during winter break trying to make sure I have some sort of future to look forward to. 

I cannot even tell you how relieved I was when I was accepted into my two top schools first. That meant I didn't have to pay any more applications fees or stress later in the semester. 

Get Some Motivation

Hey my majessties,

So, you know when you have been feeling so stressed and busy that you end up falling into the crevices of your couch and never get up? It's a familiar feeling for me. I mean, I take daily naps.

Well, I have been feeling that way lately because, contrary to the stories of senior year, I have been getting a lot of work. And with AP tests starting this week, I've tried to make studying a part of my daily routine. But senioritis is making that decision really hard to stick to. I mean, I'm going to college, so why do I have to read Beowulf? I don't. There's the answer.

But for once, instead of sleeping the day away on the couch or in bed, my family and I decided to get a good dose of fresh air. So, after I took a two hour nap (What can I say? A girl needs her sleep), we went out to the local hiking (?) place. And we took along our little pup, Louie. Poor guy had a tough time with his little legs.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Is Anyone Still Here?

Hey my Majessties,

I know, I officially fail as a blogger. But, you do have to give me some leeway. I have been so busy this summer with going on vacation with my family and packing for college that blogging has not been at the forefront of my mind. And so, I am now going to try to get back into the swing of things. 

Now that I am finally moved into my dorm and have met people, I can really say that I am enjoying college. I can't give a full review just yet because I haven't had the opportunity to join any clubs yet and classes just started last Thursday but I can tell you that high school is so last year. 

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Sunny San Francisco!

Before this even starts, sorry it's been weeks. My stupid account hasn't been letting me post my blogs. Xx

Hey my Majessties!

So I've been pretty absent from all social media sites for the last couple days and that's because I have been in San Francisco! I went to meet up with two of my best friends I met a few years ago and it was so much fun.

Friday, May 9, 2014

It's 2:30 AM

Hey my Majessties,

So, it's currently 2:30 AM when I'm writing this. And I have no idea why I am up. It's just one of those nights where you are wide awake even though you know you have to get up early. 

I have already satisfied my online shopping addiction, probably for the month, and refreshed social media sites too often. Help.

1 sheep, 2 sheep, 3 sheep, 4 sheep...

Wait, Is sheep plural and singular?  It's too early/late for my brain to even try to function. Remember, this is a no judgement zone.
And even if I post this right now, no one will be awake to see this...

Ever have it happen to you where you have this thing, almost like an itch-train? I have no idea what to call it but it's when something itches, like your nose, and then something else itches, then something else and it just keeps going forever. Well I hate it.

And it's hot in my room. 

I give up. Maybe I'll try playing music to lull me to sleep. 

Hope you are getting a better nights sleep!


Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Future is Real!

Hey my Majessties,

So, it's official, I've committed to a college! I am now a University of South Carolina Gamecock! And while my dad may not be too excited about the mascot, I am so ready to move on from high school.

Seriously though, finally deciding is just the biggest weight off of your shoulders. And it was really weird how I finally decided. I had just visited there and the other school that was in the running and I was so confused. Both were great in their own ways and I had no idea which school was more "me". I know, corny but whatever. Go with me here. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

So Close to Spring Break

Hey my Majessties,

So, I don't know about everyone, but my spring break starts this coming week. And it feels like it's been forever since I was off from school. Seriously, if you think about it, the third marking period has been spread out over four months while the fourth will be a month and a half. All because of Mother Nature and her stupid love for snow. I got it at the time, snow days were great, but now that we've been in school for so long since winter break, I've realized we ended up getting the short end of the stick. 

Obviously we're better off than the underclassmen though. They have to go basically another month after the seniors finish. It's a good year to be senior.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

My Hobbies Include...

Hey my Majessties,

So this post is going back to the college side of my mind. But now that most decisions are coming out and choices will need to be made soon, another daunting task has came about.


Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Get Over Yourself

Hey my Majessties,

So, this is going to be a short but long overdue post sparked by a simple conversation I had at school. And it was between myself and a few underclassmen. And this shows how downhill the kids after us are heading. 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Good Ole Fashioned Ramble

Hey My Majessties,

This post, for a change, will probably be written over a few days about just random thoughts and basically anything that enters my mind. So, there is not exact point to this one but I think I'll enjoy just sharing my spur of the moment thoughts with all of you! So here it goes...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Haven't Posted in Awhile

Hey my Majessties,

Sorry I've been kind of missing this last week. Blame Mother Nature.

Seriously. Living in the North, the superstorm and snow storms caused me to not have school four out of five days this past week, and no power or heat for three of them.

(Honestly, that was the view from my street during the power outage.)

Now, having no school may seem like a great time, and it is always nice to have an extra week to do an AP stat take home quiz you do not understand, but the boredom hits you quickly.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Sleeping by the Fire

Hello my Majessties,

So today, the northeast has been dealing with crazy winter weather. So, my school stupidly decided to make us go in, then leave shortly after at 9:30... So smart. Any who, I took this day to chill before midterms begin again.

Whenever a snow day is called, no matter how early, I do not plan to leave the house at all. It would be difficult to drive in the snow and there isn't really anything making me want to leave the comfort of my house.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Olympic Trials Review

Hey my Majessties,

       This post will be a little different because it's more of a review of what's happening in the news lately!

       This February, the United States will be joining 88 other countries to participate in the 22nd Winter Olympics in 2014 in Sochi, Russia. However, before that time comes, thousands of athletes have gathered in their respective sports all over the world to prove who the best is in order to gain a place on the United States Olympic team. These athletes will be vying for spots in 98 events in 15 different sports while competing against the very best of other countries.

            So many sports have been proving worthy of gold metals throughout trials, and there have been a few surprising entrances as well. In men’s Nordic combined, a 37 year old man named Todd Lodwick blew past his younger competitors for a place at his seventh Olympics. Also, there may be a chance of surprising the other countries in the 1500 Meter speedskating as both a woman and man named Jessica Smith and J.R. Celski respectively, have shown their ability to take a spot at the Olympics and on the pedestal.

            For so long, The United States has exceeded expectations in events such as alpine skiing, short track speedskating, and hockey with athletes becoming known worldwide such as Shawn White, Lindsay Vonn, and Apolo Ohno. As most of these people are still competing, new faces are coming forward to challenge the first place title and gold medal. Similarly, Jessica Jerome has become the first woman to go to the Olympics for Ski-Jumping as it was just added to the list of events for women this year, after many years of campaigning for that right.

            Although the Real excitement comes in February, make sure to check out the trials to see all of the talent the United States has to offer. Then, when the time comes, be sure to watch the Olympics in Sochi, Russia to route for your country. In 2010, the United States place for number of medals for a country. Let’s hope we can repeat the success! GO USA!


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Don't Laugh!

Hello my Majessties,

So,  I have always had a very loud and somewhat obnoxious laugh. And although I am normally a polite person, I do have the tendency to laugh at completely wrong moments. And when something is really funny to me, and I start, it takes me a much longer to start. Much longer than necessary.

My friends always say I have the type of laugh that makes other people start laughing. So needless to say, I usually make things worse for myself.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Now you can follow my blog on a website that makes it easy to follow all of your favorites!

Working Proves Difficult

'Ello my Majessties (imagine me saying that in a British accent),

So, I started working at a certain clothing store in the fall for the seasonal part of the year. Ya know, get the big hours for Black Friday and holiday sales. It's been a lot of fun but definitely something to get used to!

All the managers are usually really nice, except for the minor times where the bossier sides come 'round. However, meeting new people is always a positive for me!

Once I started, I learned what I was better at and what I just never had the patience for:

Friday, January 3, 2014

A Night for Sparklers and Dancing!

My Majessties,

So, New Years has come and gone and what a night it was! My friends and I decided to meet up at one of our houses and party the night away! Of course, that meant eating a tray of jelly beans, drinking sparkling apple cider and watching Pitch Perfect after dancing the night away! 

Starting off the New Year!

Hello my Majessties,

        As I am new to this whole blogging shebang, I am gonna try to start if off strong. I will give a little information about me so you know who you're trusting with news and beauty reviews or overall concepts I will ramble on about on this blog for now on!

So, my name is Jess Hoag, and I am 17. I am going to go to college in the fall but I have always liked reading blogs and learning information from others who have experienced and loved as much as I do. 

This blog has no absolute theme so my posts could vary from beauty reviews to culture and celebrities to the newest sporting events like the Olympics that are coming up. I have no plan and while that normally means chaos, I think it means a chance for happiness for everyone! 
